SFC issues restriction notices to five brokers to freeze client accounts linked to suspected market manipulation
Hong Kong's Securities and Futures Commission has issued restriction notices to AMC Wanhai Securities, Eddid Securities and Futures, Freeman Securities, Realord Asia Pacific Securities and Solomon JFZ (Asia) Holdings, prohibiting them from dealing with or processing certain assets held in twelve trading accounts.
The SFC suspects that the accounts were used to manipulate markets by dabbling in the shares of a company listed on the Stock Exchange between September and October.
The restriction notices prohibit the brokers, without the SFC’s prior written consent, from disposing of or otherwise dealing with any assets in any way in the trading accounts up to a certain amount, including: (i) conducting transactions in respect of any securities; (ii) processing any withdrawals or transfers of securities and/or cash or any transfers of money arising from the disposal of securities; (iii) disposing of or dealing with any securities and/or cash on the instructions of any authorised person of the accounts or any person acting on his behalf; and (iv) helping another person to dispose of or deal with any relevant property in a specified manner. The brokers must also notify the SFC if they receive any of these instructions. 'Investor protection' is the SFC's concern here.