
Defining Professional Investors: Focus On Dubai, Singapore And Hong Kong

Chris Hamblin Compliance Matters Editor 6 November 2013

Defining Professional Investors: Focus On Dubai, Singapore And Hong Kong

Chris Hamblin examines the rules that surround this peculiar class of client in the financial hubs of Dubai, Singapore and Hong Kong and concludes that, far from being an excuse for corner-cutting, the entire subject is a troublesome minefield.

In this article Chris Hamblin, editor of Compliance Matters and Offshore Red, sister publications to WealthBriefingAsia, examines the rules that surround this peculiar class of client in the financial hubs of Dubai, Singapore and Hong Kong and concludes that, far from being an excuse for corner-cutting, the entire subject is a troublesome minefield.


Dubai’s relevant provisions are to be found in the conduct-of-business
or COB module of the DFSA’s
rulebook. COB 2.2, guideline 4, states that any authorised firm can
choose to deal with a professional customer as though he is merely
a retail customer if it so desires. A client is always a retail client to
the extent that he is not a professional client (2.3.5). COB 3.2.4(1)(c)
states that if any marketing material is intended only for professional
clients, it has to bear a clear statement to that effect which says that
nobody else should act upon it.

COB 3.2.5 obliges every authorised firm to take reasonable steps to
ensure that marketing material for professional clients does not go to
anyone else – the onus for this might fall on the relevant relationship


When it comes to suitability assessments, COB 3.4.2(2) allows a firm
to limit the extent to which it considers suitability when making a
recommendation to, or transacting on a discretionary basis for, a professional
client as long as it has done two or three things beforehand.

  • Warned the client in writing that it will not consider suitability, or
    at any rate only to a certain extent in accordance with what it has
    outlined in the notice.
  • Obtained express consent from the client by persuading him to
    sign the notice.
  • Kept an eye on whether any discretionary portfolio management
    account it runs for the client is appropriate for him.

The accompanying ‘guidance’ suggests – as it does throughout COB
– that the firm might want to limit the client’s ‘professional’ status
to only a few of his objectives or to a limited product range. COB,
indeed, is riven with rules designed to make it easy for the private
bank or asset management firm to declassify someone as a
professional client.

As one would expect, COB 3.5.6 draws no distinction between ordinary
and professional clients when obliging firms to disclose any
potentially hidden ‘soft-dollar’ elements to their charges.

COB 6.9.2(1) states that when an authorised firm transacts for a client
it must send that client a confirmation note as soon as possible
and in any case no later than two business days upon execution of
the transaction. This, however, is waived for professional clients as
long as they have asked for waivers in writing, according to note (4).

On the subject of what the DFSA calls ‘core information’, i.e. the information
that the RM or his or her firm must give the client no matter
what, COB A2.1.2 contains chapter and verse. It dictates that retail
clients must receive data about:

  • (a) the firm’s name, address, whether it is a subsidiary or not, and
    the name and address of its ultimate holding company;
  • (b) its regulatory status;
  • (c) when and how the client agreement is to come into force and
    how to end it;
  • (d) the services it is to provide, along with information about
    restrictions or a declaration that there are none;
  • (e) fees, costs and other charges and what engenders them;
  • (f) any conflicts of interests (dealt with in rule 3.5.1);
  • (g) any soft-dollar agreement that should come to light under rules
    3.5.6 and 3.5.7; and
  • (h) complaint-handling procedures.

Professional clients, however, need not receive (d), (e), (f), (g) and (h).

Appendix 5 contains the DFSA’s client money provisions, which govern
conduct for firms that handle such monies and oblige each one
to send each customer a statement of total client money balances
held, the amount, date and value of each credit and debit and any
interest earned or charged. A5.10.1(1) obliges a firm to send a statement
to a retail client at least once a month but it can do so at other
agreed intervals with a professional client. The same kind of arrangement
applies under A6.8.1 for firms that provide custodial services –
here the statement must be every six months except at the express
written order of the professional client.


What, then, qualifies someone to be a ‘professional client’ in Dubai?
COB 2.3.2(1) states that it can only happen if:

  • (a) the client has net assets, held directly or indirectly, of at least
    $500,000 (excluding the value of his primary residence), or if he is,
    or has been in the previous two years, an employee of an
    authorised firm; and
  • (b) reasonably appears to the firm to have ‘sufficient experience’ of
    financial markets, products, transactions and risks; and
  • (c ) has not elected to be a retail client.

COB 2.3.2(2) goes on to list a great many things that might be tantamount
to the ‘sufficient experience’ of (b), but these only apply
to corporations that might also be ‘professional clients’. It is likely
that most of Dubai’s so-called professional clients are not natural
persons at all, although the jurisdiction has no shortage of wealthy
operators and traders in financial markets.


The Singapore Financial Advisers Regulations regulate financial
advisers and their representatives. Section 25 dictates that every
licensed financial adviser should keep books in English. It says that
for the purposes of s45(2) Financial Advisers Act 2001 [which states
that a licensed financial adviser shall (a) keep books to explain his/its transactions and financial position in Singapore and allow true
and fair profit-and-loss accounts and balance-sheets to be prepared
from time to time; and (b) keep them so they can be audited properly]
a licensed financial adviser must keep books which contain the

  • (a) the particulars of every one of his/its clients;
  • (b) details of all transactions he/it has carried out for his/its clients;
  • (c and d) a copy of every written agreement he/it has struck with
    any of his/its clients;
  • (e) a copy of every written agreement he/it has struck with any
    product provider;
  • (f) everything he/it has distributed to existing or prospective clients;
  • (g) all his/its income and expenses; and
  • (h) all his/its assets and liabilities and information about whether
    they are held as security against any loan(s).

The Financial Advisers’ Regulations, however, exempt the financial
advisor and his/its representatives – such as relationship managers
– from s25 if he/it is advising an accredited or expert investor. Section
33 states explicitly that it will not apply to an advisory service
in respect of any designated investment product that is a capital
markets product, to an expert investor. Section 33(2) obliges the
advisor to tell the expert investor about the exemption unless that
expert investor is also a corporation (which is possible) or someone
“connected to the licensed financial adviser.” There are criminal
penalties for breaking s33(2), so it is imperative to get it right.

What, then, is an expert investor? Section 2 of the Financial
Advisers Regulations states that s4A(1)(b) Securities and Futures Act
has the answer. This defines such a person as someone whose business
involves the acquisition and disposal, or the holding, of capital
markets products, whether as principal or agent; the trustee of
such trust as the Monetary Authority of Singapore may prescribe,
when acting in that capacity; or someone else whom that authority
may prescribe. In this Act, ‘prescribe’ means ‘describe’, as proven
elsewhere in s2, when the Act talks about the authority ‘prescribing’
things as capital markets products. In Singapore, therefore, one
can be appointed as an expert investor and not just revealed to be


A Singaporean expert investor is not to be confused with an accredited
investor, which seems to be a type of ‘sophisticated investor’ as
seen in the United States but not in the United Kingdom. Such a person
enjoys many of the same immunities as the ‘expert’ but relies
solely for his status on his net personal assets exceeding $2 million
(or its equivalent in a foreign currency) in value or his income in the
preceding 12 months not dropping below $300,000. Once again, the
MAS has the power to bestow ‘accredited’ status on someone if it
pleases (s4A(1)(a) SFA).


In Hong Kong these ‘experts’ are called ‘professional investors’.There
are many requirements that the relationship manager (or the compliance
department for which he collects information) can waive
when he or she encounters one, according to the Code of Conduct for
Persons Licensed or Registered with the Securities and Futures Commission.
One of the broadest of these is the requirement (waived at
paragraph 5.1A) to assess the customer’s knowledge of derivatives
and ‘characterise’ him accordingly as part of standard know-yourclient
or KYC procedures.

If the relationship manager has the task of distributing an investment
product to a customer, he or she normally has to supply him with
information before or at the point of sale about whether his or her firm
is acting as principal or agent; what its affiliation is with the product
provider (known in Hong Kong as a product issuer); all benefits, whether
monetary or not; and the relevant terms and conditions (para 8.3A).
None of this applies if the relationship is with a professional investor.

Other provisions that the professional investor’s relationship managers
can waive are found in para 15.5. These are:

  • the need to establish his financial situation, investment
    experience and investment objectives;
  • the need to establish the suitability of a recommendation or
  • the need to send him risk disclosure statements;
  • the need “to obtain from the client an authority in a written form
    prior to effecting transactions for the client without his specific
    authority” – a seemingly tautological phrase that seems
    (according to para 7.1(a)(ii)) to describe a ‘blanket’ authorisation
    to conduct business on the high-net-worth customer’s behalf
    without moment-to-moment consent;
  • the need to confirm that authority every year;
  • the need to inform him about the bank/asset management firm
    and the identities and status of its employees and others acting
    on its behalf;
  • the need to confirm the essential qualities of a transaction with
    the client promptly after effecting it; and
  • the need to provide the client with documents (in Chinese or
    English) regarding the Nasdaq-Amex Pilot Programme which,
    despite its temporary-sounding name, has been going strong on
    the Hong Kong stock market since 2000, allowing US-listed
    companies to be listed there also.

‘Professional investors’ can (as in other jurisdictions) be firms and insurance
houses, that is to say corporations, but what does the SFC
mean when it applies the term ‘professional investor’ to a human
client? Schedule 1 of the Securities and Futures Ordinance, according
to para 15.2 of the code, delineates two broad categories – A and B. A
contains any intermediary or provider of investment services who is
regulated anywhere abroad; any authorised insurer from anywhere
in the world; any approved trustee or service provider as defined in
section 2(1) of the Ordinance or anyone who acts as an investment
manager for any such registered scheme or constituent fund. B is any
person of a class which is prescribed by rules that the SFC has made
according to the powers granted it by s397 of the Ordinance.


In Eastern UK-influenced jurisdictions and elsewhere, one of the
common features of the regulatory rules that surround ‘market professionals’
who are also high-net-worth investors is their complexity.
It is absolutely vital for the bank in question to get the classification
process right and private banks and asset management firms often
get it wrong. It is also important to note that good regulatory compliance
is no bar to the bank in question being sued for negligence
for giving the high-net-worth client sub-standard advice. Yet another
complicating factor is the fact that rich individuals the world over are
notoriously reluctant to receive waivers through the post and send
replies back in the right manner and in the right time-frame. The
same goes for the various reports they have to handle. Private banks
and fund firms might conclude that the classification of a customer
as a ‘professional client/investor’ or an ‘expert investor,’ however
prestigious it may sound, is more trouble than it is worth.

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